你好,由于第二天短片展映活动场地的变更,应场地方上海英国中心要求,出于安全原因,前来参加活动的观众须提前提交有效身份证件信息,并在活动当天携带相应有效证件出席活动。请立刻登陆: https://www.wjx.top/jq/16502111.aspx 提交你的身份信息。若没有提前登记,或活动当天没有携带证件,将无法参加活动,感谢你的配合与支持!
Due to the venue change for the Sept. 17 event, attendees must now provide valid ID information and bring your valid ID to the event due to security reasons, as per requested by the British Center Shanghai. Please visit: https://www.wjx.top/jq/16502111.aspx to upload your ID info ASAP. Audiences who does not have a valid ID on hand will not be able to join the event on that day. Thank you for your understanding.