我们是一个非盈利性的社群活动,完全由志愿者组织,活动免费并且对所有人开放。不用担心~ 这里没有党同伐异,没有二元对立,没有压力,也没有恐惧。在我们这儿,你能找到的可能是:酷儿文化的前世今生,LGBTQIA社群的畅所欲言,或是观众与影人的你来我往。
Queer and cinema are our primary subjects. Whether you are familiar with LGBTQIA (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex and Asexual) culture; whether you are a cinema goer or a filmmaker; as long as you have an open and curious mind, and a desire to greet new knowledge and meet interesting people, then this is for you.
SHQFF is a completely volunteer-run and not-for-profit community event. Our events are free and open to all, and we strive to create open and safe spaces for immersive engagement with cinema and queer topics. No discriminatory partisan games, no absolute binary oppositions, no pressure , and no fear…just a shimmering history of queer culture, uncompromising exploration of LGBTQIA topics and fluid communication between audiences and filmmakers.
We welcome any form of collaboration with filmmakers, organizations and potential sponsors. We are all passionate souls who happen to be hardworking - you will love working with us.
Last but definitely not least: we summon queer spirits of all kinds to join us! We need volunteers to help bring this ambition to life. We need your talent and your fire. Do you speak multiple languages? Are you experienced in sponsorship? Can you scramble together a poster in an hour? This is your chance to shine and give back. Just one more thing:
Our team is full of hotties.