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Matthew Baren, 2017



这是一部关于上海变装文化的全新纪录片,带你领略变装的夺目光彩和无穷魅力。2017年盛夏7月, 上海 - 为了一场精彩的演出,变装皇后Miss Jade聚齐了12位城中的变装表演者。他们是上海滩最彪悍的国王和皇后们。《炫目上海滩》带你身临幕后,一窥上海与时俱进的多彩变装文化社群。

Feel the shade, live the fantasy. A new documentary about the Shanghai drag scene. July, 2017, Shanghai. Drag queen Miss Jade has brought together 12 of the city's drag performers for a one-night show. They are the fiercest kings and queens in town. Extravaganza takes you behind the scenes of one of China's most dynamic drag scenes. Feel the shade, live the fantasy.

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