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My Dear Friend


杨平道 Pingdao Yang, 2019



寻找男友的菁菁来到他的家乡,却意外掺和 了两个老头寻找身世的奇幻旅程,揭开了一 段60年来无从言说的情感。老头水木和妻子 阿芳留守在村庄生活。水木有一个不为人知 的好友仲生。仲生是深山上小水库的管理员。 阿芳看似不知道仲生的存在,但因缘际会,命 运交错,三个人有着不能明言的关系。仲生感 知大限将至,却不知身后将栖身何处。水木决 定顺仲生的意愿送他“回家”。水木恳求菁菁 开车送他们一程。一路上,他们遇见了自己的 童年和青年,故去的母亲还有年幼的阿芳,像 是重走了人生路。

A young city girl named Jingjing was looking for her disappeared boyfriend in his home- town. Instead, she found her boyfriend’s grandparents, Shuimu and A-Fang, living in the remote village. Jingjing accidentally re- veals a mysterious relationship of 60 years: Shuimu kept a secret friend called Zhong- sheng. Mute and having lost his memory, Zhongsheng has a feeling that he might leave the world soon. He had asked Shui- mu to prepare funeral supplies for him. He is also terrified of becoming a lost ghost in the netherworld. Shuimu asks for Jingjing’s help to find Zhongsheng’s true identity in another remote village 300 kilometers away. The road trip sent the three on a foggy jour- ney through spaces and times.

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